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Low pressure Diffusion System

Low pressure diffusion system is desianed for POCL3 and BBr3 process. adopt Low pressure diffusion method. With IPC and imported temperature controller, MFC and perfect alarm function. Each tube has independeni meta phosphoric acidrecovery system which reduces the cleaning frequency of quartz products


Product description

Low pressure diffusion system is desianed for POCL3 and BBr3 process. adopt Low pressure diffusion method. With IPC and imported temperature controller, MFC and perfect alarm function. Each tube has independeni meta phosphoric acidrecovery system which reduces the cleaning frequency of quartz products


Temperature control:using imported modular instrum-entation to realize automatic temperature control.Profilecan be used when processing to control temp.
Loader:softlanding,digital control,more stable performance,reliable,no crawl, the SiC paddle positioningaccurate and has long service life.
Tube pressure control svstem:with advanced pressurcontrol svstemexhaust aas cooling and recovery deviceThe quartz tube and SiC paddle are not maintained.
Our company can upgrade the existing diffusiorfurnace according to the requirements of customersand the equipment performance is greatly improvecafter upgrading.


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